1. Verifying a trigonometric function means simplifying it and or replacing it with other trigonometric functions so that it may equal a set value. You would multiply/divide/add/subtract numbers or some other mathematical asset in order to advance with the equation and simplify it, until it arrives at the value you want it too equal. You may also replace trigonometric functions with other trigonometric functions, such as making tangent into sine divided by cosine. Or, you could make sine squared added with cosine squared, equal 1. One should really try to work with all of the trigonometric identities in order to help them arrive at what they want. And, it will always (at least for what we're doing) be equal. You're not trying to prove it wrong or right - rather, you're showing the work that it takes in order to prove it right. So, if you ever find adversity, don't pass off the equation as invalid.
2. I have found all of the tips and tricks equally helpful. The best tip/trick that I believe anyone could get, is that all of the equations are valid, so you can't give up and write it off as not equal. The most fundamental, and necessary (for about each and every problem you'll have to solve) is tip/trick, is that you have to utilize identities. Unless, of course, you get the problem tangent plus 1 equals tangent plus 2 minus 1, which would then necessitate the question of whether or not you are doing the right problem.
3. Basically, I'd look at what I could do: subtract/multiply by conjugate/replace, and do it. If I end up at a dead end, I'd try again, until I'd get it. And if I don't get it again, I shall try again.
P.S. Not giving up is the fundamental thought process for success in Unit Q.